Ctr Control Absorber Assembly Left Hand

About this product

The Ctr Control Absorber Assembly Left Hand (#48560-35040), a crucial Drive-Chassis part, plays a pivotal role in the Rear Spring & Shock Absorber system of your Toyota vehicle. This component is responsible for absorbing excess energy and maintaining stability while the vehicle is in motion, providing a smooth and comfortable ride. Its functionality relies on hydraulic or pneumatic mechanisms, which can deteriorate over time due to natural wear and tear. When this part becomes old or non-functional, it can gravely affect your vehicle's shock absorption capacity, leading to an uncomfortable and potentially unsafe ride. Replacing this component with genuine Toyota parts is essential for vehicle compatibility, and provides the added assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Ctr Control Absorber Assembly Left Hand (#48560-35040) not only contributes to the comfort of your journey, but also to the overall safety of your Toyota vehicle. This part is crucial in maintaining control and stability, thereby enhancing the performance and safety of your drive.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 48560-35040

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