Front Shock Absorber Assembly Set

About this product

The Front Shock Absorber Assembly Set (#48510-A9896), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in Toyota's Front Spring & Shock Absorber system, plays a vital role in smoothing out the ride and maintaining control of the vehicle. This assembly set absorbs and dissipates the energy produced by the suspension springs, making for a more comfortable drive, and preventing excessive bouncing and swaying. Being a crucial component in the vehicle suspension system, old or faulty shock absorbers could lead to a decrease in vehicle stability, reduced steering precision, and potentially even loss of control – making regular replacement essential. Moreover, using genuine Toyota parts in your vehicle significantly improves compatibility and comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Front Shock Absorber Assembly Set (#48510-A9896), when functioning correctly, immensely contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of a vehicle by increasing stability, handling, and passenger comfort.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 48510-A9882;48510-A9883
Part Number 48510-A9896

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