Inner Rear View Mirror Arm Absorber

About this product

The Inner Rear View Mirror Arm Absorber (#87828-12010), an essential Electrical component in the Mirror system of your Toyota vehicle, plays a crucial role in reducing vibrations and enhancing visibility. When in operation, it absorbs the vibrations from the vehicle's movement, providing stability to the mirror for clear viewing. The proper functioning of this part is vital for safe driving, and using genuine Toyota parts can significantly improve vehicle compatibility. However, like any other component, the Inner Rear View Mirror Arm Absorber (#87828-12010) can get worn out over time or due to harsh driving conditions. A worn-out or non-functional absorber can cause mirror instability and unclear visibility, thus impacting safety. Hence, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is highly recommended. In summary, the Inner Rear View Mirror Arm Absorber (#87828-12010) contributes significantly to the overall safety and efficiency of your Toyota vehicle, offering a stable and clear view for safe driving.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 87828-90302
Part Number 87828-12010

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