Tail Gate Lock Actuator Assembly

About this product

The Tail Gate Lock Actuator Assembly (#69150-0C030), a key component in the Rear Body Guard Frame & Tail Gate system, has a crucial role in the secure operation of a vehicle's tailgate. Its primary function is to automatically lock and unlock the tailgate, thus providing ease and convenience to the vehicle user. The part achieves this by converting electrical signals from the vehicle's central control unit into mechanical movement. As a mechanical component, this actuator assembly may wear out or malfunction over time, causing issues with the locking and unlocking of the tailgate. Using genuine Toyota parts, known for their compatibility and included with Toyota's genuine parts warranty, can mitigate such issues. The Tail Gate Lock Actuator Assembly (#69150-0C030) contributes to the overall safety of the vehicle, as it ensures the tailgate is securely locked while the vehicle is in motion. This part's effective operation helps prevent unexpected opening of the tailgate, safeguarding passengers and cargo.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 69150-0C030

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