Outer Mirror Actuator Sub-Assembly Left Hand

About this product

The Outer Mirror Actuator Sub-Assembly Left Hand (#87909-62200-C0), an essential electrical part in the Mirror system, plays a vital role in vehicle safety and efficiency. It allows the driver to adjust the car's external mirrors, providing optimal viewing angles for safe navigation and parking. Comprising motors and gears, it moves the mirror in response to inputs from the control switch inside the car. Genuine Toyota parts, like this one, are designed to provide maximum compatibility with your vehicle, backed by Toyota's Genuine Parts Warranty. Over time, wear and tear or electrical issues can impair the part's functioning, leading to rigid, non-responsive mirrors, which poses a safety risk due to limited visibility. Therefore, periodic replacement is advised. By maintaining well-functioning mirrors, we enhance driving safety and efficiency.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87909-62200-C0
Color Number 202
Color Name Black

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