Air Duct Adapter

About this product

The Air Duct Adapter (#87226-47010), a critical component in the Heating & Air Conditioning - Control & Air Duct system for Toyota vehicles, plays a major role in directing and regulating the flow of air within the system. It serves as a liaison between the air duct and the heating or AC unit, ensuring that the air flow is properly distributed for optimal comfort and efficiency. This part can become clogged or worn out over time, affecting the overall air flow and reducing the efficiency of the heating and cooling system. Should the adapter become non-functional, the system may provide inconsistent temperatures, making the vehicle uncomfortable for passengers. By using genuine Toyota parts like the Air Duct Adapter (#87226-47010), compatibility with your vehicle is supported and is also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This adapter is vital for maintaining the vehicle's air system efficiency and passenger comfort. While the adapter typically requires infrequent servicing, scheduled replacements are necessary to maintain the optimal function of the heating and air conditioning system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87226-47010

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