Blower Fan Adapter

About this product

The Toyota Blower Fan Adapter (#87135-07020), a crucial part of the Front Seat & Seat Track system, helps to maintain optimal cabin temperature for passengers. Its primary function is to facilitate the seamless operation of the blower fan by ensuring that it is correctly mounted and connected to the vehicle's heating and cooling system. This part plays a critical role in preventing overheating in the vehicle by promoting proper airflow - a necessity especially during long drives. A failing or old Blower Fan Adapter (#87135-07020) could cause the blower fan to function inefficiently, generating uncomfortable cabin temperatures and potentially damaging other components in the system. Always opt for genuine Toyota parts for compatibility with your vehicle. These are backed by Toyota's authentic parts warranty. Good maintenance and timely replacement of the Blower Fan Adapter (#87135-07020) contribute to the overall comfort and safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87135-07020

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