Exhaust Gas Regulation Valve Adapter

About this product

The Exhaust Gas Regulation Valve Adapter (#25624-51010), an integral part in Toyota's Engine-Fuel category, plays a pivotal role in the Exhaust Gas Recirculation System. This adapter aids in the control of the amount of exhaust gas being recirculated for combustion, thereby assisting in reducing harmful emissions. Should this part become clogged or non-functional due to age or damage, it could severely hinder the effectiveness of the emission control system, leading to a rise in pollution and potential harm to the vehicle's engine. To avoid these issues, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is advisable. Not only do these original parts maintain vehicle compatibility, but they are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Overall, the Exhaust Gas Regulation Valve Adapter (#25624-51010) significantly contributes to the system's efficiency and the vehicle's environmental impact.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 25624-51010

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