Lumbar Support Adjuster Assembly Left Hand

About this product

The Lumbar Support Adjuster Assembly Left Hand (#72760-30170), a critical part of the Body Front Seat & Seat Track system, is designed to provide comfortable seat adjustments for drivers and passengers. It allows for the modification of the seat's lumbar support to match the occupant's preference. This specific assembly is composed of various components that work together to adjust the pressure and curvature of the seat back, providing support for the lower back. Like any auto part, the Lumbar Support Adjuster Assembly Left Hand (#72760-30170) may wear out or break over time. Failure to replace this assembly when it’s old or malfunctioning could result in discomfort for the vehicle’s occupants. Toyota's genuine Lumbar Support Adjuster Assembly Left Hand (#72760-30170) ensures maximum compatibility with your vehicle. Plus, you can have peace of mind as all genuine parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, this part contributes to the overall comfort and ergonomics of your vehicle, making journey’s more enjoyable and less straining on the back.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 72760-30170

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