Rear Seat Back Adjuster Assembly Outer Left Hand

About this product

The Rear Seat Back Adjuster Assembly Outer Left Hand (#72740-42060), a critical Body part in the Seat & Seat Track system of Toyota vehicles, primarily functions to adjust the position of the seat back for optimal comfort and safety. During operation, this assembly connects with other components to smoothly transition the seat back into the desired position. Like any auto part, it can degrade over time, potentially leading to dysfunctional seat adjustments. If non-functional, driver comfort and safety could be compromised. Genuine Toyota parts are essential for optimal compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Therefore, periodic replacement of the Rear Seat Back Adjuster Assembly Outer Left Hand (#72740-42060) with genuine parts is recommended. This component significantly enhances the efficiency and safety of your vehicle's seating system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 72740-42060

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