Rear Seat Footrest Adjuster Assembly

About this product

The Rear Seat Footrest Adjuster Assembly (#78990-28010), categorized under Seat & Seat Track, is a crucial component to vehicle comfort and safety. This part allows the adjustment of the footrest in the vehicle's seat, providing optimal comfort and support for the driver. It operates through a combination of levers and bolts that enable easy movement and secure positioning of the footrest. When this assembly becomes worn or broken, the footrest could potentially become loose or immovable, affecting the driver's comfort and potentially leading to distraction. Thus, periodic replacement is recommended. Authentic Toyota parts, including the Rear Seat Footrest Adjuster Assembly (#78990-28010), are designed for vehicle compatibility, and come with the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, this component contributes to a safer and more comfortable driving experience, enhancing overall vehicle efficiency.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 78990-28010

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