Stop Lamp Switch Mounting Adjuster

About this product

The Stop Lamp Switch Mounting Adjuster (#84345-08010), a crucial component in Toyota's Switch & Relay & Computer system, plays a pivotal role in the functionality of your vehicle's braking system. Its primary responsibility is to activate the brake lights when the brake pedal is engaged, signaling to other drivers that you're slowing down or stopping. This electrical part, constructed with precision, interacts directly with the brake pedal mechanism. However, like all parts, it may deteriorate with time, becoming ineffective or even non-operational. A faulty Adjuster could delay brake light activation, posing potential safety risks. Using genuine Toyota parts not only ensures vehicle compatibility but also provides the assurance of Toyota's genuine part warranty. Regular replacement of this component is recommended to maintain optimum performance and safety. In summary, the Stop Lamp Switch Mounting Adjuster (#84345-08010) is instrumental in upholding the efficiency and safety standards of Toyota vehicles, providing reliable brake light operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84345-08010

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