Air B SATL Sen Ss

About this product

The Air B SATL Sen Ss (#SU003-03423) is a critical Electrical part in the Air Bag system of a Toyota vehicle. It primarily operates as a sensor, alerting the vehicle's safety system when a significant collision is detected. This triggers the deployment of the airbags, offering occupant protection in the event of a crash. The use of genuine Toyota parts, such as the Air B SATL Sen Ss (#SU003-03423), ensures perfect compatibility with your vehicle's systems, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. It is essential to replace this part periodically, as an old or malfunctioning sensor can fail to deploy airbags during a collision, posing grave safety risks. A functioning Air B SATL Sen Ss (#SU003-03423) enhances the overall safety of your Toyota vehicle, ensuring the airbag system works optimally for your protection.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-03423

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