Instrument Panel Knee Air Bag Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Instrument Panel Knee Air Bag Sub-Assembly (#73901-F4010), a crucial component in the Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system of a Toyota vehicle, is primarily tasked with safeguarding the driver's lower body in the event of a collision. This safety device, when activated, deploys rapidly to form a protective barrier between the driver's knees and the dashboard. Over time, this component may deteriorate, potentially impacting its efficacy during crucial moments. If aged, damaged, or non-functional, the airbag may fail to deploy correctly, increasing the risk of injury. Choosing to exclusively install genuine Toyota parts, such as this sub-assembly, is a proactive decision to uphold the compatibility and safety of your vehicle. Furthermore, Toyota's genuine parts come with a warranty for added peace of mind. This component significantly bolsters the safety credentials of the vehicle, and its smooth operation is vital for driver protection.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 73901-F4010

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