Air Conditioner & Accessory Assembly

About this product

The Air Conditioner & Accessory Assembly (#88840-35090), a key component in the Heating & Air Conditioning - Cooler Piping system of a Toyota vehicle, plays a critical role in maintaining the comfort and performance of the car. Comprised of several elements, it funnels cool air into the vehicle's cabin, enhancing the driving experience, especially in hot climates. When functioning optimally, this assembly contributes to the overall efficiency of the system, ensuring a smooth and pleasant drive. However, as it ages, the assembly can become clogged or worn out, leading to reduced cooling capacity, and in severe cases, failure of the air conditioning system. To maintain compatibility and performance, we recommend using genuine Toyota parts, which come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This way, your vehicle's air conditioning system will function properly and efficiently, creating a comfortable and secure driving environment.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 88716-04101
Part Number 88840-35090

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