Amplifier Assembly

About this product

The Amplifier Assembly (#86100-0W280) in the Radio Receiver & Amplifier & Condenser system of a Toyota vehicle plays a significant role in enhancing the audio signals. As part of the Electrical system, it takes the low voltage signals from the radio receiver, amplifies them, and then sends these enhanced signals to the speakers. The Amplifier Assembly (#86100-0W280)'s performance could decrease over time due to wear and tear or internal component failure, resulting in poor audio quality or complete loss of sound. Replacing it periodically with genuine Toyota parts not only ensures compatibility, but also comes with the peace of mind provided by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In its operational capacity, this part contributes to the overall comfort and satisfaction of Toyota vehicle experiences. High-quality sound output from a well-functioning Amplifier Assembly (#86100-0W280) can make any journey more enjoyable.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 86100-0W280

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