Digital Audio Broadcasting Antenna Assembly

About this product

The Digital Audio Broadcasting Antenna Assembly (#863C0-WAA02) is a critical electrical part in the antenna system of a Toyota vehicle. Its primary function is to receive digital audio signals, thereby ensuring high-quality sound transmission and reception. The mechanisms involved in its operations include the main antenna, the base, and the amplifier. Genuine Toyota parts are paramount for compatibility and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Like any other part, the Digital Audio Broadcasting Antenna Assembly (#863C0-WAA02) is not immune to wear and tear. If it becomes old or broken, the audio quality will degrade, leading to a compromised in-car entertainment experience. Furthermore, non-functional antennas can lead to a complete loss of signal. In conclusion, a well-maintained Digital Audio Broadcasting Antenna Assembly (#863C0-WAA02) contributes significantly to the quality of in-car entertainment, making each journey enjoyable.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 863C0-WAA02

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