Navigation Antenna Assembly

About this product

The Navigation Antenna Assembly (#86860-04020), a crucial electrical component in the antenna system of a Toyota vehicle, is primarily responsible for receiving GPS signals. These signals are integral to the functioning of the vehicle’s navigation system, enabling it to provide accurate directions and location data. The assembly features intricate electronics that are designed with utmost precision to ensure optimal reception of signals. Genuine Toyota parts aid in maintaining vehicle compatibility, and the Navigation Antenna Assembly (#86860-04020) is no exception. Moreover, Toyota's genuine parts warranty underwrites this auto part. However, over time, wear and tear can degrade its performance, potentially leading to faulty navigation data. A non-functional or broken assembly could impair the vehicle’s navigation system, causing inconvenience, or in severe cases, leading to unsafe situations. By routinely replacing this assembly, the navigation system can perform optimally, contributing to the vehicle’s overall efficiency and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 86860-04020

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