Antenna Assembly Xmt

About this product

The Antenna Assembly Xmt (#SU003-09671), a critical electrical part in Toyota's Antenna system, plays a central role in ensuring superior signal reception. As a genuine Toyota part, it is specifically designed to work seamlessly with your vehicle, boosting compatibility and performance. The Antenna Assembly Xmt (#SU003-09671) functions by receiving and transmitting signals to and from your vehicle's systems, which includes the radio and GPS. Toyota's genuine parts warranty backs this essential component. Neglecting to replace this part periodically could lead to poor signal reception, affecting vehicle safety and functionality. A worn-out or broken Antenna Assembly Xmt (#SU003-09671) could result in issues like lost GPS signals or poor radio reception. By maintaining the Antenna Assembly Xmt (#SU003-09671) in good condition, you enhance the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle's antenna system, thereby ensuring optimal vehicle performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-09671
Color Number P8Y

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