
About this product

The Arm (#48068-19125), a crucial Drive-Chassis part within the Front Axle Arm (#48068-19125) & Steering Knuckle system, plays a primary role in controlling the vehicle's wheel alignment. This part, dynamically linked with the steering knuckle, allows for precise steering and stability during operation. Over time, the Arm (#48068-19125) may wear out or break, potentially leading to uneven tire wear and compromised handling. Using genuine Toyota parts for replacements can maintain the compatibility of your vehicle, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Additionally, a non-functional Arm (#48068-19125) can impact the safety and efficiency of the whole system, emphasizing the importance of its regular check and replacement. Ultimately, a properly functioning Arm (#48068-19125) ensures the effectiveness of your vehicle's steering mechanism and overall driving safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 48068-19125

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