Windshield Wiper Arm Assembly

About this product

The Windshield Wiper Arm Assembly (#85190-90305), an electrical part in Toyota's Windshield Wiper system, plays a pivotal role in maintaining clear visibility on the road. This essential component connects the motor to the wiper blade, effectively sweeping water and debris from the windshield. In operation, the wiper motor provides power, moving the arm assembly and the wiper blade across the windshield. Over time, the wiper arm assembly may become loose or damaged, impairing its performance. This could compromise visibility in adverse weather conditions, presenting a safety risk. Hence, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts, which are designed to work seamlessly with your vehicle and are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is crucial. The efficient function of the Windshield Wiper Arm Assembly (#85190-90305) significantly contributes to the vehicle's overall safety, ensuring clear visibility during operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 85190-90304
Part Number 85190-90305

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