Steering Knuckle Left Hand Arm with Pin

About this product

The Steering Knuckle Left Hand Arm with Pin (#45612-12917), a key component in the Front Steering Gear & Link system, is essential for your Toyota's smooth and efficient operation. This Drive-Chassis part allows for the seamless movement and alignment of wheels, converting the rotational motion of the steering wheel into linear motion of the vehicle's wheels. When in operation, this part interacts closely with other components like the steering gear and linkage. As with any vehicle part, the Steering Knuckle Left Hand Arm with Pin (#45612-12917) can wear over time. If it becomes old, broken or non-functional, it may lead to steering difficulties, potentially compromising your safety. Regular replacement is important, and using genuine Toyota Autoparts ensures optimal vehicle compatibility and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Steering Knuckle Left Hand Arm with Pin (#45612-12917) is instrumental for your vehicle’s safety and performance, contributing significantly to the overall effectiveness of the steering system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 45612-12180;45612-12915
Part Number 45612-12917

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