Rear Suspension Arm Sub-Assembly #2

About this product

A vital component in Toyota's Drive-Chassis category, the Rear Suspension Arm Sub-Assembly #2 (#48709-17020) plays a major role in the Rear Spring & Shock Absorber system. This part operates by absorbing and mitigating shocks from the road, offering a smoother and safer driving experience. The Rear Suspension Arm Sub-Assembly #2 (#48709-17020), along with other parts like bushings and ball joints, work in harmony to uphold vehicle stability. However, it's essential to replace this arm assembly over time due to wear and tear. An aged or non-operational part can lead to unstable vehicle handling, causing safety concerns. Always opt for genuine Toyota parts. They are not only compatible with your vehicle but also come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The use of a genuine Rear Suspension Arm Sub-Assembly #2 (#48709-17020) in your vehicle contributes to optimal system efficiency and safety, ensuring a comfortable and secure ride.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 48709-17020

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