Baffle-Cylinder Block

About this product

The Baffle-Cylinder Block (#SU003-00110), a crucial Engine-Fuel part within the Cylinder Block system, plays an integral role in directing oil flow in the engine. During operation, it helps to control the movement of oil to prevent oil sloshing or splashing which can negatively affect the engine's performance. However, over time, the Baffle-Cylinder Block (#SU003-00110) can become worn or clogged, which may impair its function and can lead to engine issues such as oil leakage or insufficient lubrication. Hence, periodic replacement of this part is necessary to maintain optimal engine performance. Utilizing genuine Toyota parts, like the Baffle-Cylinder Block (#SU003-00110), can help maintain vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In sum, the Baffle-Cylinder Block (#SU003-00110) is essential for the efficient and safe operation of the Cylinder Block system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-00110

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