Balance Weight 102

About this product

The Balance Weight 102 (#SU00300743) is a crucial auto part in Toyota's Drive-Chassis/Disc Wheel & Wheel Cap system. It performs the vital role of maintaining the balance of your vehicle's tires, ensuring a smooth and comfortable ride while reducing tire wear. As the wheel spins, this genuine Toyota part works to evenly distribute weight, preventing any imbalance that could lead to vibration or excessive tire wear. Over time, Balance Weight ensure the vehicle's compatibility with its components, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. However, as this part ages or becomes damaged, it may cause vibrations while driving. Therefore, it is crucial to replace it periodically to maintain your vehicle's performance and safety. By contributing to the vehicle's stability and smooth operation, the Balance Weight 102 (#SU00300743) enhances the overall efficiency of the system it's installed in.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU00300743

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