Balance Weight 45

About this product

The Balance Weight 45 (#SU00300700), a crucial component in the Drive-Chassis/Disc Wheel & Wheel Cap systems of Toyota vehicles, facilitates smooth and balanced wheel rotation. With its primary role being to counterbalance any minor unevenness in the wheel assembly, it effectively minimizes vibrations and ensures a comfortable ride. Over time, the Balance Weight 45 (#SU00300700) can deteriorate or dislodge due to wear and tear, leading to unbalanced wheels and a potential increase in tire wear or reduced handling performance. Opting for genuine Toyota parts not only assures compatibility with your vehicle but also provides the advantage of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Therefore, periodic replacement of the Balance Weight 45 (#SU00300700) is highly recommended. In doing so, it significantly contributes to the overall efficiency, safety, and longevity of your vehicle's driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU00300700

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