Balance Weight 5

About this product

The Balance Weight 5 (#SU00300684) is an integral part of the Drive-Chassis/Disc Wheel & Wheel Cap system in Toyota vehicles. This auto part helps in maintaining the balance of the vehicle's wheels, ensuring a smooth and stable ride. While in operation, the Balance Weight 5 (#SU00300684) accomplishes this by counterbalancing any inconsistencies in the weight distribution of the wheel and tyre assembly. Although constructed with durable materials, over prolonged usage, this part may wear out or become damaged, necessitating its replacement. Failure to do so could result in vibrations or instability while driving, negatively affecting the vehicle's overall performance and safety. By opting for genuine Toyota parts like the Balance Weight 5 (#SU00300684), you benefit from perfect compatibility with your vehicle and the reassurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This part is crucial in delivering optimal driving comfort and safety, contributing significantly to the overall efficiency of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU00300684

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