
About this product

The Ball (#90360-06021), a critical component in Toyota's Drive-Chassis Front Steering Gear & Link system and Drive-Chassis Steering Column & Shaft system, regulates the smooth transmission of force. As the vehicle is operated, the Ball (#90360-06021) navigates the steering mechanism, allowing for precise control and enhanced safety. The Ball (#90360-06021), however, doesn't last forever. Over time, it can become worn or damaged, compromising the efficiency of the steering systems. This can lead to issues with steering precision, potentially placing the vehicle and its occupants at risk. Therefore, periodic replacement of this part is paramount. Opting for genuine Toyota parts is advantageous for vehicle compatibility. Additionally, these authentic parts come with the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In summary, the Ball (#90360-06021) is crucial for the optimal functioning of the vehicle's steering systems, contributing to overall safety and control.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90360-06021

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