Fold Seat Stopper Band Assembly

About this product

The Fold Seat Stopper Band Assembly (#78950-60140-B2), a crucial part of the Seat & Seat Track system within the Body category, plays a pivotal role in ensuring seat stability. This assembly prevents the vehicle's seats from folding or collapsing unintentionally during movement or in case of a sudden stop. It acts as a safeguard, offering added safety for passengers. Genuine Toyota Autoparts offer compatibility with your vehicle, backed by Toyota's authentic parts warranty. However, over time, the Fold Seat Stopper Band Assembly (#78950-60140-B2) can wear out or become damaged. A failing assembly may cause seats to fold unexpectedly, leading to potential safety hazards. To maintain the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle, timely replacement of this assembly is recommended.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 78950-60140-B2
Color Name Md.Gray

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