Tool Box Band Assembly

About this product

The Tool Box Band Assembly (#58780-47010) is a crucial auto part in the Deck Board & Deck Trim Cover system. This integral body component maintains the stability and security of the tool box within your Toyota vehicle. As the car is in motion, the Tool Box Band Assembly (#58780-47010) keeps the toolbox securely fastened, mitigating any risk of disturbance or dislocation. As with all mechanical components, the Tool Box Band Assembly (#58780-47010) can wear out over time and must be replaced. Failure to do so can lead to a loose toolbox, which can result in damage to the toolbox or other nearby parts. Genuine Toyota parts, such as the Tool Box Band Assembly (#58780-47010), are recommended for optimum vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Tool Box Band Assembly (#58780-47010) significantly enhances the safety and efficiency of the vehicle by ensuring the secure positioning of the toolbox within the Deck Board & Deck Trim Cover system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 58780-47010

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