Headrest Support Base Assembly

About this product

The Headrest Support Base Assembly (#71960-17010-01) is a crucial body part in the Front Seat & Seat Track system of your Toyota vehicle. This component's primary role is to secure the headrest in place, providing comfortable and safe support for passengers. As part of the seat assembly, it works cohesively with other components to ensure the seat's optimal functionality. Like all parts, the Headrest Support Base Assembly (#71960-17010-01) is subject to wear and tear over time. If left unchecked, a worn or broken assembly may compromise the headrest's stability, affecting the comfort and safety of passengers. Thus, periodic replacement is necessary. Using genuine Toyota parts boosts vehicle compatibility and puts your mind at ease, knowing they're backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining the Headrest Support Base Assembly (#71960-17010-01), you contribute to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota, ensuring a pleasant and secure ride.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 71960-17010-01

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