Jack Support Carrier Base

About this product

The Jack Support Carrier Base (#61639-35010), a body part of the Side Member system in Toyota vehicles, plays a pivotal role in the vehicle's structure. It functions as the primary holding point for the jack during tire changes or other maintenance tasks requiring the car to be lifted, thus providing stability and support. In addition, it acts as an anchor for other closely related components of the Side Member system. If this part becomes old, broken, or non-functional, it could potentially lead to instability during maintenance, endangering both the vehicle and the person performing the maintenance. Regular replacement is therefore essential for safety and efficiency purposes. Notably, utilizing genuine Toyota parts like the Jack Support Carrier Base (#61639-35010) helps maintain vehicle compatibility. Plus, these parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering added assurance for customers. In essence, a functional Jack Support Carrier Base (#61639-35010) contributes significantly to the overall safety and efficiency of the vehicle's Side Member system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61639-35010

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