Base License Plate

About this product

The Base License Plate (#SU003-01541), a key component of the Front Bumper & Bumper Stay system in Toyota vehicles, serves as the mounting point for the vehicle's license plate. It securely holds the license plate in place while the vehicle is in motion, contributing to the legibility of the plate and compliance with legal requirements. Being a genuine Toyota auto part, the Base License Plate (#SU003-01541) is specifically designed for compatibility with Toyota vehicles and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the Base License Plate (#SU003-01541) can wear out, become damaged, or lose its secure fit. If not replaced, a loose or missing license plate could lead to legal issues or safety concerns. By maintaining its function, the Base License Plate (#SU003-01541) plays an essential role in the efficiency and safety of the Front Bumper & Bumper Stay system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-01541

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