Inner Rear View Mirror Base Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Inner Rear View Mirror Base Sub-Assembly (#87805-60010), an essential electrical part of Toyota's Mirror system, plays a crucial role in the vehicle's safety and efficiency. This component serves as the foundation for the view mirror, facilitating its functionality and adjustment. The base sub-assembly connects the mirror to the car, allowing the driver to alter the mirror's position for optimal visibility. Genuine Toyota parts like the Inner Rear View Mirror Base Sub-Assembly (#87805-60010) ensure compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This part may need periodic replacement because, if it breaks or malfunctions, it could impair the driver's ability to adjust the mirror, potentially compromising safety. A properly functioning view mirror base sub-assembly contributes to safer driving by facilitating clear rear and side visibility, thus enhancing the driver's awareness of their surroundings. Using genuine Toyota parts helps maintain your vehicle's efficiency and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87805-60010

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