Switch Hole Base Sub-Assembly

About this product

As a crucial part of the Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system, the Switch Hole Base Sub-Assembly (#55407-06020-E1) plays a key role in a vehicle's operation. This component serves as the structural base for mounting various switches, allowing for efficient and seamless functioning of the vehicle's electrical system. With age or extended use, the Switch Hole Base Sub-Assembly (#55407-06020-E1) may become worn out or damaged. This can lead to malfunctions in the electrical switches it houses, potentially affecting the safety and efficiency of your vehicle. Genuine Toyota parts, such as this one, are recommended for optimum vehicle compatibility and longevity, and they are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Switch Hole Base Sub-Assembly (#55407-06020-E1) contributes significantly to the overall safety and efficiency of the vehicle system in which it resides, ensuring that all switch operations are executed smoothly and effectively. Therefore, this part's maintenance and timely replacement should never be overlooked.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55407-06020-E1
Color Name Neutral Beige

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