Transceiver Antenna Base Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Transceiver Antenna Base Sub-Assembly (#86706-48010), an integral part of the Radio Receiver & Amplifier & Condenser system in Toyota vehicles, serves a primary role in facilitating radio communication. It functions by capturing radio waves and transmitting them to your car's radio receiver, thus ensuring optimal audio quality. Employing genuine Toyota parts like this one assures perfect compatibility with your vehicle and comes backed by Toyota's authentic parts warranty. Over time, this component may deteriorate or break, leading to a decline in radio signal reception. Potential consequences include loss of radio functionality, reduced entertainment value, or even potential safety risks due to the inability to receive emergency broadcast alerts. In conclusion, the Transceiver Antenna Base Sub-Assembly (#86706-48010) contributes significantly to the efficiency of your vehicle's radio system and overall entertainment and safety onboard.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 86706-48010

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