Switch Hole Base #1

About this product

The Switch Hole Base #1 (#55446-12120-E0), a critical component in the Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system, provides a secure housing for electrical switches in your Toyota vehicle. It primarily serves to protect and stabilize switches, which control various car functions. If the Switch Hole Base #1 (#55446-12120-E0) becomes worn out or broken, the switches it houses may lose stability, potentially leading to inconsistency or failure in the functions they control. Opting for a genuine Toyota part can greatly enhance compatibility and longevity. Genuine parts come with the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Aging, damaged, or ineffective Switch Hole Base #1 (#55446-12120-E0) can cause system instability and compromise safety. Therefore, periodic replacement is highly recommended. In conclusion, a well-maintained Switch Hole Base #1 (#55446-12120-E0) contributes significantly to the operational efficiency and safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55446-12120-E0
Color Name Grege

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