Mobilephone Battery

About this product

The Mobilephone Battery (#86725-48010), an electrical part in the Telephone & Mayday system, plays a pivotal role in powering the communication devices in your Toyota vehicle. Being a source of energy, it is essential to the system's function, supplying the necessary power to make and receive calls, send distress signals during emergencies, and more. Genuine Toyota parts like these are essential as they align perfectly with vehicle specifications, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. With time, the battery's capacity may deteriorate, which could lead to a loss of functionalities or complete breakdown of the communication system. Therefore, periodic replacement is recommended to maintain optimal performance. In conclusion, a well-functioning Mobilephone Battery (#86725-48010) is vital for the overall efficiency and safety of the Telephone & Mayday system, ensuring smooth and reliable communication when on the road.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 86725-48010

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