Angular Ball Bearing

About this product

The Angular Ball Bearing (#9036944004), a critical component within the Drive-Chassis/Transaxle Assy(Cvt) system, serves a pivotal role in supporting rotational movement while minimizing friction. The bearing encapsulates a multitude of ball bearings, which counterbalance slippage and rotational forces, enabling smooth and efficient operation. Should the Angular Ball Bearing (#9036944004) become worn or dysfunctional, it could lead to increased friction and potentially, part failure. It's vital to replace this part periodically, as neglecting to do so could impair the performance of your vehicle, or worse, cause substantial damage. Genuine Toyota parts, like this bearing, are not only compatible with your vehicle but are also supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Angular Ball Bearing (#9036944004) is integral to the vehicle's overall efficiency and safety, orchestrating smooth and stable vehicle operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 9036944004

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