Angular Ball Bearing

About this product

As an integral Drive-Chassis part within the Front Axle Hub system, the Angular Ball Bearing (#90369-A0002) plays a crucial role in managing loads and reducing friction. Its function is to transmit both radial and axial loads from the wheel to the car, allowing smooth operation during turning and over uneven terrain. The Angular Ball Bearing (#90369-A0002), if old or broken, could increase friction or impede load transmission, potentially causing damage to the axle or wheel. Hence, periodic replacement is crucial. A genuine Angular Ball Bearing (#90369-A0002), designed specifically for Toyota, aids in perfect vehicle compatibility and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In the context of overall efficiency and safety, this part allows for smooth, seamless vehicle operation, ensuring the safety and longevity of the Front Axle Hub system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90369-45006
Part Number 90369-A0002

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