Bal Bearing 20 52 N

About this product

The Bal Bearing 20 52 N (#90099-10137) is a critical component in the Alternator system of Toyota's Engine-Fuel parts category. It operates to maintain smooth rotation of mechanical parts in the Alternator system while the vehicle is in motion. This bearing allows for efficient energy transfer from the engine to the alternator, which in turn, powers your car's electrical systems. As with all mechanical parts, the Bal Bearing 20 52 N (#90099-10137) is susceptible to wear and tear and needs periodic replacement to prevent disruption of power or worse, complete system failure. A compromised bearing may cause the alternator to work harder than necessary, leading to reduced fuel efficiency. By using genuine Toyota parts like the Bal Bearing 20 52 N (#90099-10137), you can expect a perfect fit and performance, fully backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, it contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of your car's alternator system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90099-10137

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