Center Bearing

About this product

The Center Bearing (#28013-70020), an integral part of the Starter system in the Engine-Fuel category, plays a vital role in maintaining the balance and alignment of the drive shaft. It ensures the smooth transfer of torque from the engine to the wheels, minimizing vibration and noise. Over time, the Center Bearing (#28013-70020) can wear out, become clogged or break, leading to imbalance, excessive vibration, and potentially severe damage to the drive shaft and other related components. It is vital to replace this part periodically with genuine Toyota parts, not just for vehicle compatibility, but also for the assurance that comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Non-functional Center Bearing (#28013-70020)s can compromise your vehicle's overall performance and safety. By ensuring that your Center Bearing (#28013-70020) is in good working condition, you are also ensuring the efficiency and longevity of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 28013-70020

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