Needle Roller Bearing

About this product

The Needle Roller Bearing (#90364-32020), a crucial auto part in the Drive-Chassis system of Toyota vehicles, plays a vital role in the Center Support & Planetary Sun Gear (Atm) system. This component allows for smooth and efficient transmission of power by reducing friction between moving parts. As part of the planetary gear system, it ensures proper alignment, allowing for balanced power distribution and torque management. Over time, the Needle Roller Bearing (#90364-32020) can wear out or break, causing poor performance and potentially damaging other components within the system. Regular replacement with genuine Toyota Autoparts, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, can prevent these issues, ensuring compatibility and extending the life of your vehicle. The Needle Roller Bearing (#90364-32020) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle, aiding in smoother vehicle operation and increased fuel efficiency.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90364-32020

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