Radial Ball Bearing

About this product

The Radial Ball Bearing (#90363-18009), a vital part in the Steering Column & Shaft system, as a Drive-Chassis component, plays a critical role in allowing smooth rotation of the steering wheel. The bearing includes inner and outer rings with balls in between that reduce rotational friction while transmitting rotational motion. This critical part, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, should be replaced periodically, as old or malfunctioning bearings can lead to steering stiffness, noise, or even failure, impacting vehicle control. Using genuine Toyota parts ensures vehicle compatibility, reducing the risk of part mismatch. Additionally, a well-functioning Radial Ball Bearing (#90363-18009) enhances the overall efficiency and safety of the steering system, resulting in a more responsive and stable driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90363-18009

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