Thrust Needle Roller Bearing

About this product

The Thrust Needle Roller Bearing (#90374-53006), a key component in the Drive-Chassis Brake Band & Multiple Disc Clutch and Drive-Chassis Center Support & Planetary Sun Gear systems of automatic transmissions, plays a crucial role in managing thrust loads during operation. Functioning as a pivot, it facilitates the smooth motion of other parts, minimizing friction and wear. However, like all moving parts, it is subject to wear and tear, necessitating periodic replacement. Neglecting this can lead to increased friction, part failure, and even system-wide damage, adversely affecting vehicle safety and efficiency. Genuine Toyota parts, like this bearing, are designed for compatibility with your vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Remember that a well-maintained Thrust Needle Roller Bearing (#90374-53006) significantly contributes to a smoothly operating transmission system and, by extension, a safe and efficient vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90374-53001
Part Number 90374-53006

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