Front Seat Shoulder Belt Assembly

About this product

The Front Seat Shoulder Belt Assembly (#73100-12030-04), a crucial Body part in Toyota's Seat Belt & Child Restraint Seat system, plays the primary role of securing passengers in their seats during transit. This Assembly works in cohesion with other components of the restraint system, tightening and loosening as required to accommodate movement while maintaining safety. Like any other part, the Front Seat Shoulder Belt Assembly (#73100-12030-04) necessitates periodic replacement. An aged, worn out or broken assembly could compromise passenger safety as it may fail to restrain effectively in the event of abrupt stops or collisions. Utilising genuine Toyota Autoparts will optimise vehicle compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Conclusively, the integrity of the Front Seat Shoulder Belt Assembly (#73100-12030-04) is fundamental to the overall safety and efficiency of the Seat Belt & Child Restraint Seat system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 73100-12030-04

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