Auto Clock Hole Bezel

About this product

The Auto Clock Hole Bezel (#55478-12040-01), a crucial part of the Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system, houses the vehicle's dashboard clock. It operates as a protective shield for the clock, preventing any possible disruption from external factors while simultaneously providing aesthetic appeal to the vehicle's interior. The Bezel, being a genuine Toyota Autoparts product, is tailored to fit perfectly with the vehicle's design, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the Auto Clock Hole Bezel (#55478-12040-01) can become worn, possibly exposing the clock to harm. A damaged Bezel could lead to a faulty clock, bringing about inconveniences. In essence, the Auto Clock Hole Bezel (#55478-12040-01) plays a role in both the efficiency and safety of the vehicle, by safely storing the clock and maintaining the seamless function of the instrument panel.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 55478-12040-02;55478-12040-03;55478-12040-04;55478-12040-12
Part Number 55478-12040-01

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