Rear Heater Register Bezel

About this product

The Rear Heater Register Bezel (#87289-47010), an integral component of the Heating & Air Conditioning - Control & Air Duct system, plays a crucial role in the efficient operation of your Toyota vehicle's heating system. This electrical auto part directs the flow of heated air into the car's cabin. It works in harmony with other components within the system to regulate temperature and deliver optimal comfort. When the Rear Heater Register Bezel (#87289-47010) becomes old or clogged, it can impair the system's ability to direct warm air properly, leading to inconsistent heating and reduced comfort. A non-functional bezel can even disrupt the entire HVAC system. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is essential for maintaining compatibility and peak performance. Remember, Toyota backs all genuine parts with a comprehensive warranty. The Rear Heater Register Bezel (#87289-47010)'s reliable function contributes significantly to maintaining an ideal cabin temperature, enhancing the overall driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87289-47010

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