Rear Seat Cover Bezel #2

The Rear Seat Cover Bezel #2 (#718660C010C0), an essential part of the Body/Seat & Seat Track system in a Toyota vehicle, plays a crucial role in securing the seat cover in place. It serves as a retaining element, ensuring the seat cover does not move around, thereby maintaining the overall comfort and visual appeal of the car's interior. Genuine Toyota parts like the Rear Seat Cover Bezel #2 (#718660C010C0) are crucial for vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, as with other components, the Rear Seat Cover Bezel #2 (#718660C010C0) might experience wear and tear. If it becomes old, broken, or non-functional, it can potentially compromise the secure fitting of the seat cover. This can lead to the seat cover sliding off, which not only affects aesthetics but can also cause inconvenience while driving. By maintaining the integrity of the seat cover, the Rear Seat Cover Bezel #2 (#718660C010C0) contributes significantly to the safety and efficiency of the car, ensuring a comfortable and hassle-free driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 71866-0C010-C0
Color Name Black

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