Rear Seat Ctr Armrest Box Bezel

About this product

The Rear Seat Ctr Armrest Box Bezel (#72888-0C010-C0), a significant component in the Seat & Seat Track system, primarily provides support and facilitates the smooth operation of the seat armrest. This Body part functions by forming a protective boundary around the armrest box. However, over time, the Bezel can wear out or become damaged, which may disrupt the secure positioning of the armrest box, potentially affecting the comfort and convenience of the vehicle's occupants. Genuine Toyota parts like the Rear Seat Ctr Armrest Box Bezel (#72888-0C010-C0) are recommended for seamless compatibility with your vehicle. Moreover, genuine parts are backed by Toyota's authentic parts warranty. Failure to replace a worn-out Bezel could lead to its ineffective performance, impairing overall user experience. Despite its discreet role, this part is instrumental in maintaining the comfort, ergonomics, and safety features of the Seat & Seat Track system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 72888-0C010-C0
Color Name Black

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